Events 2002
February 6
Lecture: Foreign Letters, the Vernacular, and Meiji SchoolgirlsIndra Levy (Assistant Professor of Japanese Literature, Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
403 Kent Hall, Columbia University (116th St. & Amsterdam Ave.)
6:30 PM
The uncanny synchronicity of the Meiji schoolgirl's double debut in Japanese vernacular fiction suggests that the connection between this semi-exotic female figure and new literary media was not a matter of sheer coincidence. Professor Levy will examine the relationship between Meiji schoolgirls and the vernacular as a function of the exotic textuality of foreign letters themselves. |
February 13
Lecture: Takeuchi Yoshimi, Literature, National LiteratureDr. Richard Calichman (Research/Translation Fellow at the East Asian Institute, Columbia University)
403 Kent Hall, Columbia University (116th St. & Amsterdam Ave.)
6:00 PM
![]() |
April 11
Lecture: The Problem of the 47th Rônin: A New Look at the Akô Incident and the Chûshingura LegendHenry D. Smith II (Professor of Japanese History, Columbia University)
403 Kent Hall, Columbia University (116th St. & Amsterdam Ave.)
6:00 PM
What happened to Terasaka? Did he flee the scene of the attack from cowardice, or was he sent on a secret mission to carry the news to others? How did he then re-emerge in the stage versions of Chûshingura as "Teraoka Heiemon" and what was his role there? This talk explores the riddles and paradoxes of the 47th rônin, in an effort to understand the ways in which the Akô Incident evolved into Japan's national legend. |
April 12
Documentary Film: Sugihara: Conspiracy of KindnessProduced by Diane Estelle Vicari
Directed by Robert Kirk
Executive Poducers: Dentsu Inc., David Rubinson and Friends, and Creative Production Group
Altschul Auditorium, 417 International Affairs Building (118th St. and Amsterdam Ave.)
6:00 PM (run time: 102 minutes)
Producer Diane Estelle Vicari will be present to introduce and answer questions about the film.
Producer Diane Estelle Vicari is an award-winning documentary filmmaker who has produced numerous films highlighting humanitarian causes and social change. Over the course of six years, she produced "Sugihara: Conspiracy of Kindness," presented at the United Nations in New York and in Geneva in the summer of 2000. The film won BEST DOCUMENTARY 2000 at the Hollywood Film Festival and is the winner of the prestigious 2000 International Documentary Association/PARE LORENTZ Award. It was also a selection of the 2001 DOCtober Film Festival. Ms. Vicari is the founder of DOCdance Productions, a documentary company aimed at producing international independent documentaries that promote the advancement of our individuality and our global interdependence. Her credits include the Emmy Award-winning "Titanic: Death of a Dream," "The Legends Live On," the Emmy Award-nominee "The Last Days of World War II," and the NBC Special "Angels II." |
April 17
Lecture: A Hundred Years of Japanese FilmDonald Richie (Author and Independent Scholar)
403 Kent Hall, Columbia University (116th St. & Amsterdam Ave.)
6:00 PM
Reception to follow
Books will be available for purchase and signing
April 18
LET THOSE WHO APPEAR: Readings and Discussion by Poet Kazuko ShiraishiKazuko Shiraishi (Poet)
Introduction by Poet and Translator Hiroaki Sato; Ms. Shiraishi will be joined by the translators of Let Those Who Appear, Yumiko Tsumura and Samuel Grolmes
403 Kent Hall, Columbia University (116th St. & Amsterdam Ave.)
6:00 PM
Poems will be read in both Japanese and English
Reception to follow
Books will be available for purchase and signing
Kazuko Shiraishi's trip to the United States, in conjunction with the publication of "Let Those Who Appear", is being sponsored by the Japan Society, New York. |
April 24
Lecture: Wuthering Heights and Modern Japanese LiteratureEve Zimmerman (Assistant Professor of Japanese Literature and Language, Wellesley College)
403 Kent Hall, Columbia University (116th St. & Amsterdam Ave.)
6:00 PM
Professor Zimmerman will discuss the relationship between Wuthering Heights and modern Japanese women's writing. Referring to three works: Wuthering Heights, the original text; Wuthering Heights, the play by Kono Taeko; and Tsushima Yuko's fictional and non-fictional writings based on this classic text, Professor Zimmerman looks at the text's initial arrival to Japan and, subsequently, how it has affected modern Japanese fiction. She then considers how Japanese authors have altered the text itself. Finally, Professor Zimmerman will discuss how the term "shojo," or girl, in modern Japanese literature might be illuminated from Wuthering Heights. |
April 26
Award Ceremony and Reception for Translation PrizesMain Reading Room, C.V. Starr East Asian Library, Kent Hall, Columbia University (116th St. & Amsterdam Ave.)
6:15 PM
Reception immediately following ceremony
PLEASE E-MAIL the Donald Keene Center at or call 212-854-5036 by April 18th if you plan to attend
The Donald Keene Center of Japanese Culture will hold an award ceremony and reception honoring the winners of the 2001-2002 Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission Prizes for the Translation of Japanese Literature
April 302002 Soshitsu Sen XV Distinguished Lecture on Japanese Culture: Tradition and Creative Power in TheatreTadashi Suzuki (World-renowned Experimental Theater Director) Low Rotunda, Low Memorial Library, Columbia University (116th Street between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenues) 6:00 PM Lecture to be given in Japanese with English translation Reception to follow (Faculty Room of Low Memorial Library) RSVP REQUIRED PLEASE E-MAIL the Donald Keene Center at or call 212-854-5036 by April 22nd
May 8
Lecture: Emperor of Japan: Meiji and His World, 1852-1912Donald Keene (University Professor Emeritus at Columbia University and Shincho Professor of Japanese Literature Emeritus)
Asia Society and Museum (725 Park at 70th Street, New York City)
6:30 PM
Tickets: $7 Asia Society members; $10 nonmembers; free to students with valid I.D. on a first come first served basis
Book signing and reception follow
For further information about this lecture, please call the Asia Society at (212) 517-ASIA (2742) or go to
The preeminent American authority on Japanese literature presents a vivid and engrossing biography of the Emperor Meiji, who opened Japan to the West and saw the country transformed from a land dominated by the shogun and the daimyos to a modern, industrialized state.
This lecture is in conjunction with the exhibition New Way of Tea presented simultaneously at Asia Society and Museum and Japan Society, March 6 through May 19.
Co-sponsored by Asia Society and the Japan Society
May 8
Panel Discussion : Cross-Cultural Influences in Theater
Room 301, Uris Hall, Columbia University (116th Street between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenues)
7:00 PM-8:30 PM
• Tadashi Suzuki (Artistic Director of the Shizuoka Performing Arts Center & Visiting Fellow of the Keene Center)
• Ming Cho Lee (Theatrical Set Designer)
• Mel Gussow (The New York Times Drama Critic and Cultural Writer)
• Ben Cameron (Executive Director of the Theatre Communications)
• Arnold Aronson - Panel Moderator (Professor of Theatre Arts Division, School of the Arts, Columbia University )
Introduction by Paul Anderer (Professor of Japanese Literature, East Asian Languages and Cultures Dept., Columbia University)
Co-sponsored by the Theatre Arts Division, School of the Arts and supported by the Center on Japanese Economy and Business
Mr. Suzuki is a Visiting Fellow of the Donald Keene Center, under a program supported by the United States-Japan Foundation.
300 Years of The 47 Ronin: A Chushingura Retrospective
October 3 & 4 (Thursday & Friday)
Workshop: New Perspectives in the Study of ShintoCoordinated by Professor Ryuichi Abe (Kao Associate Professor of Religion & Department Chair, Columbia University)
403 Kent Hall, Columbia University (116th St. & Amsterdam Ave.)
October 3: 2:00 PM-6:00 PM; October 4: 9:00 AM-5:30 PM
International workshop with scholars from Japan, Europe, and the U.S.
This two-day workshop will be sponsored jointly by the Donald Keene Center of Japanese Culture, the International Shinto Foundation (ISF), and the Institute for Medieval Japanese Studies at Columbia University. The workshop simultaneously serves as ISF's 7th International Symposium. The goal of this workshop is twofold. One is to stimulate further exchange on Shinto and Shinto-related issues among scholars working in diversified, interdisciplinary fields of Japanese and religious studies. The other is to historicize Shinto in its political, social, and cultural contexts. This workshop will encourage the participating scholars to look at new fields of study and develop new research methods in wide-ranging academic disciplines. RSVP required (limited seating) Call 212-854-5036 or e-mail by September 30th if you plan to attend. Please note that parts of this workshop will be conducted in Japanese. |
October 16
Lecture: Modern Japanese Literature: One Hundred Years of SolitudeGenichiro Takahashi (Novelist)
403 Kent Hall, Columbia University (116th St. & Amsterdam Ave.)
6:30 PM
Lecture to be given in Japanese with English translation
Reception to follow

In this talk, Mr. Takahashi will be reading from his first published novel, Sayonara, Gyangutachi. He will also be commenting on Japanese literature from the turn of the 20th century to the present.
Mr. Takahashi is a Visiting Fellow of the Donald Keene Center, under a program supported by the United States-Japan Foundation.
October 21
Screening of Lily Festival (Yurisai) and Q&A Session with the Film's Award-winning director Hamano SachiRoone Arledge Cinema, Lerner Hall, Columbia University (115th St. & Broadway)
7:00 PM
![]() Starring Yoshiyuki Kazuko, Mickey Curtis, Shoji Utae, Shirakawa Kazuko Japan 2001. 100 min. In Japanese with English subtitles The novel this movie is based on is Lily Festival (Yurisai), a caustic and brightly humorous portrayal of the sexuality of elderly women. Written by MOMOTANI Hoko, a resident of Hokkaido, it won the Hokkaido Newspaper Literary Prize in 1999, and was published in book form by Kodansha in 2000. The heroines of the story are seven women who range in age from 69 to 91. When an elderly ladies' man moves into their old-fashioned apartment building, a tremendous commotion ensues. Utterly unlike a typically reticent Japanese man, this old fellow charms the women with graceful gestures and eloquent rhetoric. That these ladies are all taken in by this smooth-talking old fellow is due to the special circumstances of the elderly, which are different from the environment in which they fell in love in their youth: "The men die earlier, so when you get to this age, there are hardly any left." "It's not enough that they just be alive; they should be sexy too." ![]() HAMANO Sachi had always wanted to work as a director. But in the 1960s, when she tried to get into the world of film-making, the Japanese movie business was a male-dominated society, and there were almost no studios willing to hire women as potential directors. However, in 1968 Hamano succeeded in finding work as an assistant director in independent production companies, and in 1971 she debuted as a director. In 1984 she founded her own production company, Tantansha. Since then, working as both producer and director, she has released over 300 low-budget adult films portraying sexuality from women's perspectives, becoming one of the most popular and respected filmmakers in this genre. Throughout her career Hamano has maintained her philosophy of celebrating the sexuality of her heroines but not degrading their images, and her recent independent films have been widely supported in Japan by women's and grass-roots groups. In 1998 she produced In Search of a Lost Writer (Dainanakankai hoko: Ozaki Midori o sagashite) which depicted the life and work of the forgotten female writer OZAKI Midori (1896-1971). Funding for this film was provided in part by donations from over 12,000 women from all over Japan. Hamano was awarded Japan's 4th Women's Culture Prize for Lost Writer in 2000; that same year she encountered MOMOTANI Hoko's novel on elderly sexuality, Lily Festival (Yurisai), and determined to adapt it for the screen. The resulting feature film, completed in 2001, has been screened throughout Japan, and by invitation at film festivals elsewhere in Asia, North America, and Europe, including the International Tokyo Women's Film Festival, the Montreal International Film Festival, and the International Women's Film Festival in Turin, Italy, where it was awarded Second Prize in the Dramatic Features category. |
November 12
Lecture - demonstration: AizomeKen'ichi Utsuki (of Aizenkobo, a leading establishment of traditional indigo dyeing in Kyoto)
403 Kent Hall, Columbia University (116th St. & Amsterdam Ave.)
6:00 PM
![]() Aizenkobo is an indigo-dyeing workshop that has been in operation for three generations. Aizenkobo produces and promotes indigo handicraft work using the traditional Japanese method. Its "eggplant" blue is impossible to reproduce with artificial chemical pigments. Various items, from clothing to tapestries, are displayed in the shop. Natural indigo has been considered a valuable blue dyeing material for centuries. It can be extracted from the fiber of several different plants. In Japan, the only useable indigo plant is polygonum, which is well-known for its outstanding deep color. Fermented polygonum, the dye pigment, is called "sukumo." In addition to the "sukumo," wheat husk powder, limestone powder, lye ash, and sake are also mixed into the vats to complete the liquid dye. Then for approximately a week, the dye naturally begins to ferment until it reaches its usable state. Indigo threads and materials—specifically cotton and linen—are generally soaked and dried 15 to 20 times. Silk, on the other hand, must be soaked and dried 40 to 45 times. This is the only way to deepen the color. The dyed thread and materials are sun-dried, which is when the deep indigo blue appears most strongly on the fiber surface. Indigo also strengthens the material. Indigo dyeing is considered one of the most beautiful dyeing techniques known to man. Indigo dyed materials soften with use, and the quality of the color's richness increases with time. (Text from Mr. Utsuki will also participate in the following activities in the Princeton, NJ area: 1) Japanese Indigo Dyeing (Aizome) Lecture-demonstration Place: Princeton University, 202 Jones Hall (phone: 609-258-5722 for more information) Date & Time: Friday, November 15th, 2:00p.m.-5:00pm 2) All-day indigo workshop Place: Montgomery Center for the Arts, 124 Montgomery Road, Skillman, NJ Date & Time: Saturday, November 16th, 2002, from 10:00 a.m. Fee $150.00. To register, phone 609-921-3272. |
November 14
Lecture and slide presentation: Against the Grain: An Aesthetics of Japanese Popular Prints, 1915-1960
Kendall Brown (Professor of Art History, California State University, Long Beach)
403 Kent Hall, Columbia University (116th St. & Amsterdam Ave.)
6:00 PM
Co-sponsored by the Ukiyo-e Society of America, Inc. |
November 20
Lecture: The Iconography of Ships and the Problem of 'Isolation' in the Later Edo Period
Timon Screech (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London and Sainsbury Institute; Visiting Professor, New York University)
612 Schermerhorn Hall, Columbia University (118th St. & Amsterdam Ave.)
6:00 PM
Co-sponsored by the Department of Art History and Archaeology
December 6
Workshop: Buddhist Literature and Emaki
Organized by Professor Shunsho Manabe (President & Professor of Esoteric Buddhist Art, Hosen Gakuen College; Visiting Fellow of the Donald Keene Center*)
403 Kent Hall, Columbia University (116th St. & Amsterdam Ave.)
10:00 AM - 5:30 PM
This workshop will explore a broad range of issues related to works of literature, emaki (picture scrolls), and other forms of art that emerged in Japan from Buddhist influences from the Heian and Kamakura periods. Professor Shunsho Manabe and leading scholars from Columbia and other academic and art institutions will participate.
Workshop Schedule
Each participant will give a 30-min. presentation, which will be followed by a 15-min. discussion. (presentation titles TBA)
Morning Session (Moderator: Prof. Ryuichi Abe)
• 10:00 am-10:45 am: Shunsho Manabe (Hosen Gakuen College)
• 10:45 am-11:30 am: TBA
• 11:30 am-12:15 pm: Yukiko Shirahara (Seattle Asian Art Museum)
• 12:15 pm-1:00 pm: Melissa McCormick (Columbia University)
• 1:00 pm-2:30 pm: Lunch Break
Afternoon Session (Moderator: Prof. Melissa McCormick)
• 2:30 pm-3:15 pm: Ryuichi Abe (Columbia University)
• 3:15 pm-4:00 pm: Masako Watanabe (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
• 4:00 pm-4:45 pm: Samuel Morse (Amherst College)
• 4:45 pm-5:30 pm: Concluding Discussion
under a program supported by the United States-Japan Foundation.