Spring Events 2020
Jennifer Robertson
Professor Emerita of Anthropology and the History of Art
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Robo-Sexism and the Un-Uncanny Valley: Gendering AI and Robots in Japan and the United States
Thursday 13 February 2020, 6pm, 403 Kent Hall
No registration required.
Ryuko Kubota
Professor, Department of Language and Literacy Education, Faculty of Education
University of British Columbia
Beyond Normative Approach to Communication in Japanese Language Education
Thursday 20 February 2020, 6pm, 403 Kent Hall
Made possible by The Ichiro Shirato Fund for Japanese Language Study
No registration required.
International Symposium/Workshop in Japanese Literary and Visual Studies
February 28–29, 2020, Columbia University (403 Kent Hall)
Friday, February 28 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM: Registration
Symposium: Authorship, Collectivity, Community
Session 1: 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Haruo Shirane (Columbia U.), “Authorship and Collective Production: Orality, Text, and Canon Formation”Akira Takagishi (U. of Tokyo), “Medieval Art, Patronage, and Inter-Contextuality”
Session 2: 11:00 AM – 12 AM
Tomi Suzuki (Columbia U.), “‘Author-Function’ in Modern Japan: From Continuum to Differentiation in Translation/Adaptation/Creation”Hirokazu Toeda (Waseda U.), “Constructing a Portrait of the Literary God: Media and Literary Authors in Japan, 1920s-1940s”
Workshop: New Currents in Japanese Literary and Visual Studies Ⅰ
Session 1: 1:30 PM – 2:45 PM
Phuong Ngo (Columbia U.); Ekaterina Komova (Columbia U.); Ye Yuan (Columbia U.);Session 2: 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Yuki Ishida (Columbia U.); Joshua Rogers (Columbia U.); Kevin Niehaus (Stanford U.);Rihito Mitsui (Waseda U.); Taiki Tomozoe (Waseda U.)
Discussants: Hirokazu Toeda, Tomi Suzuki, Yuika Kitamura (Kobe U.)
Saturday, February 29 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM: Registration
Symposium: Mapping in Japanese Literary and Visual Culture
Session 1: 9:30 AM – 11:15 AM
Kazuaki Komine (Rikkyo U. Emeritus) (keynote speech), “Woman Who Became A Dragon: Zenmyō in East Asia: from Kōsōden (Biography of High Priest) to Kegon engi”Yukari Tanaka (Nihon U.), “App for Strolling around Edo/Tokyo: Two Smartphone Apps—'Edo/Tokyo Monogatari’ and ‘Chiyo-Dash’—Based on the Website ‘WebGIS’”
Ryūichi Kodama (Waseda U.), “Yōkai Hikimaku Kabuki Theatre Curtain by Kawanabe Kyōsai”
Session 2: 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Satomi Yamamoto (Waseda U.), “Ruins as a Moment for Religious Awakening: Pure Land Buddhism in Medieval Japan, Disease, War, and Disaster”Hiroki Takezaki (MFA, Boston, Ishibashi Curator for Japanese Art; U. Tokyo), “Gyokuen’s Orchids and the Desire to Retire: Reading the Inscription of Orchids, Bamboo, and Rock in MFA”
Matthew McKelway (Columbia U.), “After Rosetsu: Multiples, Fakes, and Questions of Authorship”
Workshop: New Currents in Japanese Literary and Visual Studies II
Session 3: 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Yiwen Shen (Columbia U.); Shohei Yamayoshi (Waseda U.); Eri Nonaka (U. Tokyo); Maria Yamada (Waseda U.)Session 4: 3:45 PM – 4:30 PM
Sakuya Okazaki (U. Tokyo); Kaho Kakizawa (Waseda U.); Yeongik Seo (Columbia U.)Discussants: Kazuaki Komine, Satomi Yamamoto, Akira Takagishi>, Matthew McKelway
Co-Organizers: Haruo Shirane (Columbia), Tomi Suzuki (Columbia), Hirokazu Toeda (Waseda), Satomi Yamamoto (Waseda); Co-sponsored by Ryusaku Tsunoda Center for Japanese Culture, Global Japanese Studies Model Unit, Waseda University Top Global University Project, supported by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan; Donald Keene Center of Japanese Culture, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, and Mary Griggs Burke Center for Japanese Art, Columbia University
Pre-registration required by Feb. 24th:
Please click on RSVP for this symposium.Fall Events 2020
Setsu Shigematsu
Associate Professor, Media & Cultural Studies
University of California, Riverside
Japanese Women's Liberation to Abolition Feminism Now: 'Violence' and the Imprisonment of Fusako Shigenobu
Pre-register by clicking
here to receive Zoom link.
Thursday, 1 October, at 6:00 PM
Yukio Lippit
Jeffrey T. Chambers and Andrea Okamura Professor of History of Art and Architecture
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Harvard College Professor
Harvard University
The Shosoin Treasury: Three Perspectives
followed by a roundtable discussion with Michael Como (Columbia), Bryan Lowe (Princeton), David Lurie (Columbia), and Matthew McKelway (Columbia)